Healing Mystical Flavours
You can
also buy
kaley tea

Kaley Teas are forest fresh
Our tea garden is surrounded by a multitude of forests which merge with Sinharaja, Sri Lanka’s largest rainforest and UNESCO world natural heritage site. A part of our land is a protected rainforest whilst our tea garden is being converted to an Agro-forest. Virgin soils, water from streams and mountain springs and many gifts of nature make our terroir, rather special. Kaley, forest in a native tongue of Ceylon, encapsulates these milieus.

Kaley Teas are handcrafted
Kaley Teas are made with the finest tea leaves that are selected to perfection and handpicked. These leaves are naturally withered by the winds that waft from the rainforest and hand rolled, as folklore has it, with the healing palms of artisans.